292 Quotes by John Kasich

  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    People are frustrated. They’re fed up. They don’t think the government is working for them.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    I do not support a civil war. I don’t want to be policeman of the world. But we can’t back off of this.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    If you go into a room of 100-plus people, and you want to be the prince of darkness, you can be it. But I don’t operate in the dark, I operate in the light.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    We’re now going to develop the standards on transparency, data collection for police, but the whole goal is to fully integrate the police into the community because everybody has the same goals.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    Sometimes people just don’t understand the way that I work in politics.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    But, frankly, to try to create some sort of a religious standard in terms of who can come to America, we’re a melting pot. And as long as people have positive and good intent, they ought to be able to come.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    I’m not a plotter or a schemer. I’m a guy that looks at problems and tries to solve them, which I have done all of my career, creating jobs in Washington, creating jobs in Ohio.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    We’ve got to unite our country again, because we’re stronger when we are united and we are weaker when we are divided.

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  • Author John Kasich
  • Quote

    We have to be tolerant of other people’s points of view; we have to be able to disagree without being disagreeable, without claiming that we have a monopoly on the truth.

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