150 Quotes by John Lancaster Spalding

  • Author John Lancaster Spalding
  • Quote

    The highest strength is acquired not in overcoming the world, but in overcoming one’s self. Learn to be cruel to thyself, to withstand thy appetites, to bear thy sufferings, and thou shalt become free and able.

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  • Author John Lancaster Spalding
  • Quote

    Leave each one his touch of folly; it helps to lighten life’s burden which, if he could see himself as he is, might be too heavy to carry.

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  • Author John Lancaster Spalding
  • Quote

    Dislike of another’s opinions and beliefs neither justifies our own nor makes us more certain of them: and to transfer the repugnance to the person himself is a mark of a vulgar mind.

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  • Author John Lancaster Spalding
  • Quote

    In the world of thought a man’s rank is determined, not by his average work, but by his highest achievement.

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  • Author John Lancaster Spalding
  • Quote

    Be watchful lest thou lose the power of desiring and loving what appeals to the soul this is the miser’s curse this the chain and ball the sensualist drags.

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