15 Quotes by John M Vermillion

"The man in black hustled down to the wreckage, used a rock to smash the window glass, then pulled out his Raging Bull Casull .454. Before he fired a round, the woman pulled down her mask and opened her eyes. With chilling calm, she said deliberately, “God will damn your soul. Think before you make a decision that will stand for eternity.” "


"Let’s add up what we know. He gravitated toward all things occult. He wanted to be a member of a tight clan with strict rules and secret codes. He craved highly organized social structures, with leaders and followers clearly distinguished.  A group with little appeal to the masses. A group with few members. We know that these Nordic runes fascinated him. And apparently he held that fascination for a long time, given that he added the ‘Hagalaz’ to the message intended for Marshal Pack."


"Tetu was publicly keeping it together, but in his private moments he suffered from a profound spiritual dryness. And this terrible pain wouldn’t pass tomorrow or the next day, either. The thought flitted through Pack’s mind that the man with the Brobdingnagian heart, literally and figuratively, if he were honest with God, was thinking of his Creator as the Abominator. Why have you struck my family down like this, Abominator?"


"Frontman looked hit man in the eye as he filled two clear water glasses with the foul hairy mucous. Frontman toasted hit man, held his glass high, and—with the sound system’s re-verb functioning—said, “Rat brew, bro! Bottoms up, m-----f-----r!"


"I had a feeling from the beginning this young man was a politicker. He wanted authority. He was aiming to be a gothi one day. How do I know that? He talked too much. He wanted to be front and center at any event. He failed to internalize a key precept of ours, which is that if you make a show of seeking power, it will never be granted to you."
