104 Quotes by John Marsden

"Some people wake up drowsy. Some people wake up energized. I wake up dead."


"I refuse to think fear. I will think strong. I will think brave."


"Oh Ellie, doesn’t it make your mouth water?""It makes me water all right," I said crudely. "But not from my mouth."


"Ludzie, cienie, dobro, zło, niebo, piekło: wszystko to tylko etykietki, nic więcej. Ludzie sami stworzyli te przeciwieństwa: natura ich nie dostrzegała. W naturze nawet życie i śmierć nie były przeciwieństwami - po prostu jedno stawało się przedłużeniem drugiego.stwa,"


"You're the most important person in my life," I said.He didn't say anything."You're my brother," I said.He didn't say anything."I love you, you little ratbag," I said.He smiled, snuggled down in the bed, and closed his eyes."


"don't find people who will be a bully in love find people that will love you forever quote that i made up"


"I’ve succeeded, I guess, but sometimes maybe to succeed is to fail"


"This is bigger than a fart in a bathtub, you know."


"A vida é muito mais do que ser feliz. É sentir um monte de coisas: felicidade, tristeza, raiva, arrependimento, amor, ódio. Se a gente tenta não sentir uma só dessas coisas, acaba bloqueando todas as outras. Não quero ser feliz. Sei que não vou ser feliz para sempre. Quero mais do que isso, algo muito melhor. Quero conhecer a beleza e a feiura. Ver tudo, conhecer tudo, entender tudo. A riqueza e a pobreza, a alegria e a crueldade, a delicadeza e a melancolia."


"Time spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted."
