104 Quotes by John Marsden

"Anyway, I should have known better about the roses. Whatever Mum planted grew eventually. Take me for instance."


"It’d be funny if one of them was called Gavin. Funny but irrelevant."


"Never cry over anything that can’t cry over you."


"It seems like suffering’s the only time we can see what’s essential. If peace ever comes back I’m making a vow: I’ll design myself special glasses. They’ll block out whether people are fat or thin or beautiful or weird-looking, whether they have pimples or birthmarks or different coloured skin. They’ll do everything suffering’s done for us, but without the pain. I’m going to wear those glasses for the rest of my life."


"Live as though you’ll die tomorrow, but farm as though you’ll live forever."


"My pen.’ Funny, I wrote that without noticing. ‘The torch’, ‘the paper’, but ‘my pen’. That shows what writing means to me, I guess. My pen is a pipe from my heart to the paper. It’s about the most important thing I own."


"Nothing reaches inside you and grabs you by the guts the way fear does."


"Too much thinking, not enough feeling."


"Feelings, who needs them? Sometimes they’re like a gift, when you feel love or happiness. Sometimes they’re a curse."


"What’s the Future? It’s a blank sheet of paper, and we draw lines on it, but sometimes our hand is held, and the lines we draw aren’t the lines we wanted."
