33 Quotes by John Verdon

  • Author John Verdon
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    Gurney gülümsedi.Kim kaşlarını çatarak, "Komik olan ne?" diye sordu."Söylediklerin benim işi bırakmama nedenlerim.""Anlamıyorum."Kyle söze karıştı. "Şartlar zorlaştıkça kararlılığı artıyor."Kim şaşırarak ona baktı.Kyle,"Babam için zorluk mıknatıs gibidir.İmkansıza karşı koyamaz." diye ekledi.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    Gurney oğlunun bu işi kendince dikkat etmeye de çalışarak büyük bir zevkle yaptığını fark etmişti. "Çok yoğun geçti günün.""Kötü adamların peşinde.Sonraki adım ne?""Senin sonrakı adımın derhal oradan ayrılıp eve geri dönmek.Birlikte.Benim sonraki adımımsa bu öğrendiklerimi bir süre değerlendirmeye almak olacak.Bazen yatağa kafamda sorularla girerim.Uyandığımda tüm yanıtlar kafamda belirmiş olur.""Gerçekten mi?""Hayır,ama söylemesi güzel.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    We each seem to be wired to believe my situation causes my problems but your personality causes yours. This creates trouble.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    How many bright angels can dance on a pin? How many hopes drown in a bottle of gin? Did the thought ever come that your glass was a gun and one day you’d wonder, God, what have I done?

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  • Author John Verdon
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    What he took he will give, when he gets what he gave.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    Whenever they collide, facts are no match for beliefs. We may think our beliefs are based on facts, but the truth is that the facts we embrace are based on our beliefs. The great conceit of the rational mind is that facts are ultimately persuasive. But that’s a fantasy. People don’t die to defend the facts, they die to defend their beliefs.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    No hay peor dolor que tener a dos personas viviendo en un cuerpo.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    He was actually quite fond of discrepancies because his experience told him that they eventually provided a window into the truth.

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  • Author John Verdon
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    The mind is a mass of contradictions and conflicts. We lie to make others trust us. We hide our true selves in the pursuit of intimacy. We chase happiness in ways that drive happiness away. When we’re wrong we fight the hardest to prove we’re right.” Caught.

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