94 Quotes by John Wyndham

  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    Pretty nearly any stroke of fate can be made to look like a funny coincidence if you try hard enough and wait long enough.

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  • Author John Wyndham
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    There was often a great deal of grown-up fuss that seemed disproportionate to causes.

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  • Author John Wyndham
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    The simple rely on a bolstering mass of maxim and precept, so do the timid, so do the mentally lazy – and so do all of us, more than we imagine.

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  • Author John Wyndham
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    We all have our youthful follies, embarassing to recall – but people somehow find it hard to dismiss as a youthful folly anything that has happened to be a financial success.

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  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    The leader does the planning, but he’s wise enough not to say so. As the changes become necessary, he slips them in as a concession – temporary, of course – to circumstances, but if he’s good, he’s slipping in the right bits for the ultimate shape.

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  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    It’s not my fault if I’m not any good at things like that.” “I’ll differ there,” Coker told her. “It’s not only your fault – it’s a self-created fault. Moreover, it’s an affectation to consider yourself too spiritual to understand anything mechanical. It is a petty and a very silly form of vanity. Everyone starts by knowing nothing about anything, but God gives him – and even her – brains to find out with. Failure to use them is not a virtue to be praised;.

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  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    Nobody is going to be muddle-headed enough to confuse ignorance with innocence now – it’s too important. Nor is ignorance going to be cute or funny anymore. It is going to be dangerous, very dangerous.

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  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    In temperate countries, where man had succeeded in putting most forms of nature save his own under a reasonable degree of restraint, the status of the triffid was thus made quite clear. But in the tropics, particularly in the dense forest areas, they quickly became a scourge.

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  • Author John Wyndham
  • Quote

    All my life I have been surrounded by things I’d rather not know too much about, so I have come to feel that truth made naked without purpose is really a wanton.

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