516 Quotes by Jon Gruden

  • Author Jon Gruden
  • Quote

    I love Olivier Vernon, and I wish he knew how much I appreciate him by just watching him.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
  • Quote

    We've got enough issues in this country without worrying about some of the things we're worrying about. It's unbelievable to me. And as long as I'm alive, I know what football gave me. It taught me my work ethic. It gave me a sense of discipline.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
  • Quote

    Tebow is the kind of guy who could revolutionize the game. He's the 'wildcat' who can throw. Most of the teams that have the wildcat back there, it's Ronnie Brown, it's Jerious Norwood, it's whoever you want to say it is. This guy here is 250 pounds of concrete cyanide, man. And he can throw. He throws well enough at any level to play quarterback.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
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    It doesn't make much sense to blitz a guy that gets rid of the ball in less than 1.5 seconds.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
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    You have to help your players understand that when they speak to the media, or when they tweet or text or e-mail, a lot of times, they become public knowledge.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
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    I spend most of my time looking at game film.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
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    Some of the best lessons that I've ever learned are on a ball field - basketball, football, baseball, golf. And I learned great lessons from my coaches - being on time, being mentally tough, having some discipline, and being part of a team.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
  • Quote

    If you're a leader, can communicate, and have a great work ethic, those are the things you're looking for.

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  • Author Jon Gruden
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    If ESPN ever kicked me out the door and I had to get back to coach, I have to stay on top of what's going on.

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