292 Quotes by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Once in awhile throughout the day...let go into full acceptance of the present moment, including how you are feeling and what you perceive to be happening... Give yourself permission to allow this moment to be exactly as it is, and allow yourself to be exactly as you are. Then, when you're ready, move in the direction your heart tells you to go, mindfully and with resolution.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
All the suffering, stress, and addiction comes from not realizing you already are what you are looking for.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Maybe the fear is that we are less than we think we are, when the actuality of it is that we are much much more.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
You don't need the iPhone: you have the most exquisite apparatus in the known universe sitting right in your head - the most complex organization of matter in the entire universe. And here are we, feeling a little depressed, feeling like we're not getting where we need to be, when really you might be exactly where you need to be.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
But when we start to focus in on what our own mind is up to, for instance, it is not unusual to quickly go unconscious again, to fall back into an automatic-pilot mode of unawareness. These lapses in awareness are frequently caused by an eddy of dissatisfaction with what we are seeing or feeling in that moment, out of which springs a desire for something to be different, for things to change.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Even before smart phones and the Internet, we had many ways to distract our selves. Now that's compounded by a factor of trillions.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Just stopping, is a radical act of sanity and love.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
When you pay attention to boredom it gets unbelievably interesting.
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- Author Jon Kabat-Zinn
Science gave me a cosmic religious feeling, and I would get the same feeling when I was dragged to the Met and the Museum of Modern Art.
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