210 Quotes by Jonah Goldberg
"Fox simply has an immunity to a lot of criticism, ... The base who's watching has already signed up; they're loyal. And the only place they're going to hear about criticism of Fox News is on Fox News."
"Pragmatism is the disguise progressive and other ideologues do when they want to demonize competing ideologies."
"Most conservatives, I think, want Bush to succeed and would be eager to mend fences with a new nominee."
"[Libertarianism] is about curbing state power to let people be and do what they want. Liberalism is about using state power to make people do and be what liberals want. And that makes all the difference in the world."
"Meryl Streep once testified famously before Congress, saying that she was there to represent the uninformed. Now, that sums it up pretty well when it comes to these celebrity issues."
"[Progressives] think the Constitution is like Felix the Cat's magic bag: Look in there long enough and hard enough, and you can find anything."
"You know those Navy SEALs, they weren't Democrats and Republicans. They were just doing what was best for America. Wouldn't that be a great country if all of you Americans were just like that? You followed orders, you marched in step and you followed my agenda."
"We were all hearing from people in the know that this woman simply wasn't up to snuff. We were putting forth an argument that wasn't just punditry. We were reflecting deep discontent within the conservative movement. We played a part in changing the climate simply because of the megaphone we have."
"[In] the post-Enlightenment world, science [has] taken the place of magic, miracles, and superstition."
"Everywhere, unthinking mobs of 'independent thinkers' wield tired cliches like cudgels, pummeling those who dare question 'enlightened' dogma. ... Cliches begin arguments, they don't settle them."