210 Quotes by Jonah Goldberg
"I like vengeance as much as the next guy, if the next guy likes vengeance a whole lot...."
"Everyone understands that [democrat Senator Harry Reid] is deliberately lying. The man reads his lies from prepared texts. You can't read from a script and then claim you misspoke."
"I'd like to know why sociologists can't decide whether movie sex and violence has any effect on children, but there's a universal consensus that even a glimpse of a Camel will force children to become lifelong smokers."
"...associational ad hominem attacks remain the left's favorite rhetorical strategy for undermining opponents."
"Yes, I know liberals are more empirical because Jonathan Chait says they are, but my empirical studies of liberal empiricism keep spitting out contradictory findings."
"Keep Hope alive, particularly if Hope is the name of a very cute puppy and not some ill-defined abstraction that is in fact code for big government."
"I've just returned from my daughter's Halloween parade at grade school. She was supergirl - and she was perfect. And, even better, she still considers boys to be made of kryptonite."
"Science is wonderful at explaining what science is wonderful at explaining, but beyond that it tends to look for its car keys where the light is good."
"If you think shrinking government and getting it less involved in your life is a hallmark of tyranny it is only because you are either grotesquely ignorant or because you subscribe to a statist ideology that believes the expansion of the state is the expansion of liberty."
"Progressivism was a sister movement of fascism, and today's liberalism is the daughter of Progressivism."