154 Quotes by Jonathan Carroll
"Far more disturbing than any spook house at an amusement park is a ride through the old hometown if you've been away for years."
"At a Boston signing, someone from the audience asked why I was so obsessed with furniture in my books. The question rattled around in my head. I had no idea that I was obsessed with furniture."
"I find you write with one person in mind. Usually for me that one person is my wife, because she's my most severe critic and understands best what I'm trying to do."
"The only question that nobody ever asks is: What breaks your heart? I think that should be asked of all "artists."...So, what breaks your heart?"
"Kids own nothing. Everything is either promised, borrowed, longed for or exaggerated."
"If you are very lucky, you're allowed to be in certain places during just the right season of your life: by the sea for the summer when you're seven or eight and full of the absolute need to swim until dark and exhaustion close their hands together, cupping you in between."
"I forgive nothing. If you stole my orange crayon in the fifth grade, you're still on my hit list, buddy."
"Fear's greatest weapon is its ability to blind one to anything. In its presence, we forget there are others to consider, things to save besides ourselves."