52 Quotes by Jonathan Renshaw
- Author Jonathan Renshaw
Think boys, think! I cannot do it for you.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
I would rather be the person who steps in front of a whole gang to defend someone and gets beaten up for it than the person who watches from a safe hiding. There were times I hid, and I think the shame hurts more than the bruises would have.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
I hate mysteries that are forbidden. They are like meals you have to watch other people eat.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
You!” Skeet bellowed. When uttered with just the right tone, this is the universal name for any boy. Accordingly, all heads snapped towards the angry master.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
You are going to beat it, even if it takes a very long time. Tulia always says that big forests are cleared the same way as small forests, but it just takes longer. I know this thing inside you is a big forest, but it’s going to come down eventually. I know it.” Her.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
Aedan noticed how the lowest doors were all eight feet above the ground with stairs leading up to them – stairs that could theoretically be destroyed when under threat. But where the stairs should have been made from wood, these were of polished granite. Clearly there was a conflict of values here.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
If you had a hog,” he shouted, “your manners would make your mother unsure which one to feed on the floor.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
Just so. You tried to establish a fact from a lack of evidence. Unless the inquiry has been so exhaustive as to explore every possibility, the lack of evidence should never be used to ground a statement of fact. Unlikelihood certainly, but no more. A prematurely assumed fact blocks further inquiry.
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- Author Jonathan Renshaw
One thing he shared with the singing bird was a love of rain and especially of storms. He always felt a deep thrill of awe when the pale sapphire cloaks of sky were flung aside and dark raging heavens roared and plunged and cast fire and water and ice upon the earth. Something.
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