194 Quotes by Jonathan Sacks

  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    In the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries three substitutes for religion emerged as the basis for new identities. One was the nation state. A second was the ideological system. The third was race. The first led to two world wars, the second to Stalin’s Russia, the Gulag and the KGB, and the third to the Holocaust. The cost of these three substitutes for religion was in excess of a hundred million lives.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    Through constant creation of dissatisfaction, the consumer society is in fact a highly sophisticated mechanism for the production and distribution of unhappiness. That.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    Our inclination to act well towards others, whatever its source, tends to be confined to those with whom we share a common identity. The Greeks, the world’s first philosophers and scientists, regarded anyone who was not Greek as a barbarian – a word derived from the sound of a sheep bleating. Our radius of moral concern has limits. The group may be small or large, but in practice as opposed to theory, we tend to see those not like us as less than fully human.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    The test of faith is whether I can make space for difference. Can I recognize God’s image in someone who is not in my image, who language, faith, ideal, are different from mine? If I cannot, then I have made God in my image instead of allowing him to remake me in his.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    When you stop believing in God, there is no sudden explosion of light or darkness. The world continues on its accustomed course. The sky does not fall. The sun still shines. Life goes on. But something is lost nonetheless, something important that gives life connectedness, depth and a sense of purpose; that gives you a feeling of participating in something vast and consequential.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    Man was not made for the service of economies; economies were made to serve mankind; and men and women were made – so we believe – to serve one another, not just ourselves.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
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    In our interconnected world, we must learn to feel enlarged, not threatened, by difference – that is what I have argued.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    If we want God to listen to us, we have to be prepared to listen to Him. And if we learn to listen to Him, then we eventually learn to listen to our fellow humans: the silent cry of the lonely, the poor, the weak, the vulnerable, the people in existential pain.

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  • Author Jonathan Sacks
  • Quote

    We have lots of heroes today – sportsmen, supermodels, media personalities. They come, they have their 15 minutes of fame, and they go. But the influence of good teachers stays with us. They are the people who really shape our lives.

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