42 Quotes by Jorge Amado

"Господь улыбается, как негритенок. («Генералы песчаных карьеров»)"


"En las plantaciones, los trabajadores casan hasta con un pedazo de palo si viste polleras. Para tener mujer en casa, para poder acostarse con ella, también para poder conversar. La mujer presta muchos servicios, usted ni siquiera se imagina. Ayuda hasta en la pollítica. Le da hijos a uno, impone respeto. Para lo demás, están las mujerzuelas"


"Pelópidas's father, a collateral descendant, inherited only the name and the aristocratic habit of not working."


"The best translations are always the ones in the language the author can't read."


"I'm under no illusions about the importance of my work. But if it has any worth, it is that it truly reflects the Brazilian people."


"I have already told you Father, more than once: I’m not going to subject myself to a husband chosen for me, I’m not going to bury myself in some planter’s kitchen, and I’m not going to be a servant to some doctor or lawyer in Ilhéus. I want to live my own life. When I finish school at the end of the year, I want to go to work in an office"


"I am like my characters - sometimes even the female ones."


"That’s the very reason why love is eternal,’ concluded João Fulgêncio, ‘because it is forever renewed. Passions die, love remains."


"...it is a very risky thing for anyone to go about proclaiming the truth simply because he finds himself in possession of concrete documentary proofs or on the evidence of his own eyes, which is always overestimated."


"I believe that she has the kind of magic that causes revolutions and promotes great discoveries. There’s nothing I enjoy more than to observe Gabriela in the midst of a group of people. Do you know what she reminds me of? A fragrant rose in a bouquet of artificial flowers."
