120 Quotes by Jose R. Coronado

  • Author Jose R. Coronado
  • Quote

    So simple yet so complex. We are the source of it all. Currently the currency that exist is our credit from God but instead of the credit given to God, we worship what was created instead of the Creator. You can never truly have ownership of the created and ownership of the created isn't only currency but you as well. Serve the Creator and you take ownership of you which is property of God.

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  • Author Jose R. Coronado
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    Enslave me or deliberately liberate me as I'm meant to be. Dependent on God is a mindset in ancient, present and future prophecy. Hallucinations of the light coming to an illumination of Truth for death has no place in the life of an immortal. The third eye is a wide open portal. I brush off any of lifes struggles, any of lifes limits. I have no shame, Jesus is my Savior and with redemptive pride, I admit it.

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  • Author Jose R. Coronado
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    You've granted me eyes to see and ears to hear and with more knowledge comes more sorrow. Only true substance can pay for a due but a print out of the false can only discharge, how true. Taking the false to introduce as a truth, polluting our minds, yoking us with a noose. Economic slavery, the complete opposite of freedom and bravery. I amend these words to constitute what's meant to we, as in us, the French area holds the trusts, friendship to hear what I'm saying with God is a must.

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