108 Quotes by Joseph Hall

  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    I first adventure, follow me who list And be the second English satirist.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    The idle man is the Devil’s cushion, on which he taketh his free ease: who, as he is uncapable of any good, so he is fitly disposed for all evil motions.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    Ambition is torment enough for an enemy; for it affords as much discontentment in enjoying as in want, making men like poisoned rats, which, when they have tasted of their bane, cannot rest till they drink, and then can much less rest till they die.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    The ear and the eye are the mind’s receivers; but the tongue is only busy in expending the treasures received. It, therefore, the revenues of the mind be uttered as fast or faster than they are received, it must needs be bare, and can never lay up for purchase.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    Recreation is intended to the mind as whetting is to the scythe, to sharpen the edge of it, which otherwise would grow dull and blunt, – as good no scythe as no edge.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    It is not the bee’s touching on the flowers that gathers the honey, but her abiding for a time upon them, and drawing out the sweet.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    Garments that have once one rent in them are subject to be torn on every nail, and glasses that are once cracked are soon broken; such is man’s good name once tainted with just reproach.

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  • Author Joseph Hall
  • Quote

    If religion might be judged of according to men’s intentions, there would scarcely be any idolatry in the world.

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