79 Quotes by Josh Hawley

"The swelling epidemic of human trafficking makes a mockery of the law and its protections."


"The Constitution treats religious belief as uniquely special, uniquely central to the dignity of the human person, and, for that reason, beyond the power of the state to control."


"Through the 1980s and '90s, evangelicals sought to turn back the forces of secularization. Groups like the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition pressed for laws recognizing Christianity's unique place in American life, including laws that would allow prayer in public schools and Christian displays in public places."


"The federal government does not have the authority to tell landowners and ranchers and farmers that they can't farm and ranch their land because someday an endangered species might live there."


"The best way to put the federal bureaucracy back on a leash is to make it obey the laws the people write."


"If people can't expect their government to be honest and clean, they can't expect anything from it."


"My view is that Roe v. Wade had no basis in law or fact."


"Republican liberty depends on citizen participation, on a government that is of, for, and by the people."


"Contrary to what many secularists allege, the Constitution and Bill of Rights did not 'privatize' religion and quarantine it from the public square."


"Despite what one might gather from the shrill rantings of the leftist commentariat, for whom religion is a sort of disease, religious difference in the United States has rarely led to serious social strife. That is no small achievement, and one that virtually no other Western democracy can boast."
