277 Quotes by Judd Apatow
"The little details really connect for people in ways I never realized before.I think that's why some of the movies have done well, because people are relating to things that I'm willing to expose."
"I need to find people who I respect so I can respect them, and they'll like being respected so they'll respect me, and that's like a marriage."
"I've come to realize that people connect more when they know you're telling them the truth or some aspect of your story, some mutated version of how you are experiencing this life."
"I used to scream at everybody at the beginning of my career. I'd get really emotional. I'd project all my issues about my parents and safety onto the executives, so every conversation where they gave a note was life or death and you don't love me."
"Some people are probably saner. They're good performers, and they go about their day. I just get obsessive about it."
"I think watching too much TV as a kid led me to being very uncomfortable in new situations. To this day, when I drop my kids off at school, I still feel like I'm in 9th grade and I'm uncomfortable and insecure. Like anyone is paying any attention."
"I used to watch 10 hours of television a night, my entire childhood. And I don't think it did all good things to me. I certainly still have social problems that are a result of being in my room alone too much."
"The thing that ruined your life makes you good at your work. And then you get rewarded at work, so you don't bother to fix it in your life."