116 Quotes by Jude Law

"I suppose that some days I wake up I have to wake up and be responsible, reliable and down to earth, and some days I don't."


"My goal was always to be recognized as a good actor but no one was interested in that, simply because society just wants to warm towards your appearance. This is the great blemish of society."


"Success, and even life itself, wouldn't be worth anything if I didn't have my wife and children by my side. They mean everything to me."


"I’ve always liked what Thomas More said in Utopia, which is that in Utopia every person is allowed their own lifestyle and religion but no one is allowed to stand on a soapbox and tell others that theirs is right. I thought that was brilliant. Brilliant."


"I’m a massive comic book fan. I was buying weekly installments of “The Watchmen”, and “From Hell”, and “Parallax” and “Johnny Nemo”. I was a huge comic book fan as a kid and I still am. Me and my youngest son are both comic book nerds together; make models and stuff."


"The only film I ever made for money was something called Music From Another Room, which I really didn’t like."


"Success, and even life itself, wouldn’t be worth anything if I didn’t have my wife and children by my side. They mean everything to me."


"When you step back and watch people, you realize that we use every single body part. Movement, dance – I find it genius because it’s ultimate expression, really."


"It was the shaving that bothered me the most. I’m not a great fan of shaving and I had to be really clean-shaven, hands, head, hairline, all the fluff off my face, everything except my eyebrows, so this sheen, this kind of polish they used on me, would stick."


"I sometimes shy away because I don’t want to be too ‘showy-offy’ but the older I get I think, ‘You have a handkerchief, put it in your pocket.’"
