194 Quotes by Julian Assange

"As we have seen, WikiLeaks is a robust organization. During my time in solitary confinement in the basement of a Victorian prison, we continue to release, our media partners continued to write stories. The important revelations from this material continue to come out. We have approximately 2,000 cables into 250,000."


"The most important publication of WikiLeaks is that it has published more than 10 million documents. The most important single collection of material we have published is the US diplomatic cable series. We started with 251,000 in 2011, but are up to 3 million now and have more coming."


"If journalism is good, it is controversial, by its nature."


"Those who are repeatedly passive in the face of injustice soon find their character corroded."


"We have to be careful about applying criminal labels to people until we're very sure."


"A great number of those working for liberal causes are not only shy but borderline collusive. They want change to happen nicely, and it won't. They want decency to come about without anybody suffering or being embarrassed, and it won't. And most of all they want to give many of the enemies of open government the benefit of the doubt, and I don't. It's not just a difference of approach, it's a complete schism in our respective philosophy. You can't go about disclosure in the hope that it won't spoil anybody's dinner."


"The supply of leaks is very large. It's helpful for us to have more people in this industry. It's protective to us."


"Every War in the past 50 Years is a Result of Media Lies"


"I'm not a big fan of regulation: anyone who likes freedom of the press can't be."


"Has WikiLeaks been forced to do one thing rather than another in response to resource constraints? Yes. Constantly."
