110 Quotes by Julian Schnabel
- Author Julian Schnabel
I think it’s good when people don’t write good things about your work. I mean, what a great compliment it is to be called a charlatan.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
It’s nice to see your name in print. It’s interesting.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
There are generations of people who have never seen a big plate painting in person. And they don’t know what the hell they look like, they don’t know what it feels like to stand in a room with them.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
There’s been too much attention on marketing. Can’t we just talk about the paintings?
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- Author Julian Schnabel
Traditionally, photography is supposed to capture an event that has passed; but that is not what I’m looking for. Photography brings the past into the present when you look at it.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
Sometimes I’ll dream that I saw a show and then I’ll wake up in the morning and realize that I didn’t see the show, that it was my dream. And I just remember what the paintings look like in the dream and I think, “Oh, nobody painted those. I can do that.”
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- Author Julian Schnabel
You can’t have a good bullfight without a good bull.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
I never paid much attention to being Jewish when I was a kid. In fact, I’d say my religion was more surfing than Judaism – that’s what I spent most of my time doing.
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- Author Julian Schnabel
Sometimes my kids might tell me they had a dream or and maybe I’ll paint some paintings from their dream. That’s one good thing you get from your kids. Rob them of their dreams.
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