156 Quotes by Julie James

"Kyle gazed down at her. “I lied when I said I followed you to the bar because you’re hot.” He touched her cheek. “I saw you laughing with your friends, and your smile sucked me right in."


"At that moment he knew one thing. The only thing that mattered.He loved her."


"You know, if you’re trying to mark your territory, you could’ve just peed on me before I came over here and saved us both a lot of time!"


"Don't get me wrong. I love a Denver omelette as much as the next girl. But I'm curious whether that’s your thing, or if you try to change up the routine depending on the specific woman. You know… like, green pepper because I have green eyes, ham because I’m so funny, and onions for all the tears you’ll shed after I leave."


"If you also thinks it means I wake up every morning wondering what I did to deserve having you back in my life, well, you’d be right about that too."


"Not the way things typically went when he hit on a woman – not to toot his own horn, but women really dug the FBI thing – but, oh well. It wasn’t like he was ever going to see her again."


"I heard this theory once that love means your subconscious is attracted to someone else’s subconscious."


"I have to be honest, I’m not exactly impressed with your case,” she said, cutting him off. “All you’ve got is a sporadic string of some very minor incidents. It’s not as if anyone slapped an ass or grabbed a boob."


"The thing I want most is to spend the rest of my life with the one person who drives me crazy in all the best possible ways."


"Life isn’t always about logic and reason-sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump."
