138 Quotes by Juliette Binoche
"It's never been my purpose to become an American icon, or more famous or richer."
"When I won the Oscar, there was something telling me 'this isn't the truth'. I had to get back to real work."
"But I've never felt that being an actress is being in a comfortable place. It's seen from the outside that we're being driven in big cars and having these gorgeous suites and all of that. But come on, it's not about that."
"I like being a mother, and I want to be involved in my work, so I have to make choices. If you're a film actress, your career is from 20 to 45, but you can still dream."
"I like intensity. If it's too mellow, I feel like, bleah. I like intensity, because it's way of reaching spaces inside of you, and it's my need of knowledge, of knowing about myself regardless."
"I like travelling and if I have to come to Hollywood to make a movie I will, but otherwise I'd never move there. It's very much an industry town and that doesn't really interest me."
"I was used to theatre classes. I studied with my mother; she was a theatre teacher and directed, too, so it was very family-like. Then I studied with a great teacher in Paris, and she was wonderful; she pushed me, but she was a warm soul."
"The thing is that I never felt beautiful. I really never did. I think I can change my looks and be different things, but I've never thought of myself as this face."
"We're here to be with her, and to help her in a spiritual way. I think our presence here is a way to sustain the possibility of freedom."