136 Quotes by Karen Hughes

  • Author Karen Hughes
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    Many of the differences and many of the concerns are deep-seated, and I'm probably not going to change many minds, ... But if I make a connection with a person or two who I can keep following up with after I leave here on my trip, I would consider it a success.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    Air Canada's planes assisted in the evacuation. To every nation and every province and every local community across the globe that is standing with the American people and with those who hurt on the Gulf Coast, our entire nation thanks you for your support.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    The Gallup Poll confirmed what we thought, which is the whole reason we set up the Coalition Information Center. We've got a big job ahead in communicating our values to the world.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    The court reviewed all the facts, listened to all the arguments, considered all the evidence, and concluded that Florida's votes were cast and counted fairly and properly,

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    Senator Kerry had one bar to meet coming into this debate and that is he had to establish some type of credibility on the issue of Iraq. Not only did he fail to do that, but he further undermined his own credibility.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    Some months your light bill is higher than other months and that is what happened with our Medicaid and prison expenses over the last two years, ... But as long as you have enough money to pay the bills, you still have a surplus. And that is the shape we are in.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy.

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  • Author Karen Hughes
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    meant to be a whispered aside to his running mate. It was not intended to be a public comment.

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