181 Quotes by Karen Joy Fowler
"Octavia Butler often described herself as an outsider, but within science fiction, she was loved as an insider, someone who was a fan first and came to S.F. writing as an enthusiastic reader."
"Often, when you look at history, at least through the lens that many of us have looked at history - high school and college courses - a lot of the color gets bled out of it. You're left with a time period that does not look as strange and irrational as the time you're actually living through."
"The process of writing a book is so removed in my mind from the process of publishing it that I often forget for great stretches that I eventually hope to do the latter."
"The smart way to build a literary career is you create an identifiable product, then reliably produce that product so people know what they are going to get. That's the smart way to build a career, but not the fun way. Maybe you can think about being less successful and happier. That's an option, too."
"The sunset you see is always better than the one you don’t. More stars are always better than less."
"I still haven't found the place where I can be my true self. But maybe you never get to be your true self, either."
"Sometimes you best avoid talking by being quiet, but sometimes you best avoid talking by talking."
"When there is an invisible elephant in the room, one is from time to time bound to trip over a trunk."