92 Quotes by Karen Traviss

"Covering his tracks by randomizing his route back to the apartment had become routine for Skirata now, which was a bizarre irony in itself."


"Let’s revise the old adage for our times. All that it requires for evil to succeed is that enough lazy, stupid bastards believe everything they’re told."


"I refuse to believe that gods want to make mortals unhappy and torment them. That’s what humans do. And humans are very definitely not divine."


"Revenge might give you a warm feeling, but unless it delivers some lasting results you might as well have a nice cup of mocha instead."


"As a writer, I have a moral deal with you, the reader – if I hook you with a story, my part of the deal is to follow through and give you a satisfying outcome."


"Somehow, though, they managed to ignore the fact that being the dominant species on Earth meant that absolutely nothing about their position was inevitable or beyond their control."


"Gra’tua cuun hett su dralshy’a."


"Why doesn’t the fact that I’m human matter to human beings."


"And nobody has the right to judge a soldier from the warmth and safety of their armchair."


"Regular people said they couldn’t tell the difference between one clone and another, did they? That was what came of spending too much time looking at faces and not enough wondering what shaped people and went on inside their heads."
