227 Quotes by Karl Popper

  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    What we need and what we want is to moralize politics, not to politicize morals.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    It is not the consciousness of man that determines his existence – rather, it is his social existence that determines his consciousness.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    Theories are nets cast to catch what we call ‘the world’: to rationalize, to explain, and to master it. We endeavor to make the mesh ever finer and finer.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    It can’t happen here is always wrong: a dictatorship can happen anywhere.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    This is why the conflict between rationalism and irrationalism has become the most important intellectual, and perhaps even moral, issue of our time.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    We do not know anything – this is the first. Therefore, we should be very modest – this is the second. Not to claim that we do know when we do not – this is the third. That’s the kind of attitude I’d like to popularize. There is little hope for success.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    For nothing could be better than living a modest, simple, and free life in an egalitarian society. It took some time before I recognized this as no more than a beautiful dream; that freedom is more important than equality; that the attempt to realize equality endangers freedom; and that, if freedom is lost, there will not even be equality among the unfree.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    The Utopian attempt to realize an ideal state, using a blueprint of society as a whole, is one which demands a strong centralized rule of a few, and which is therefore likely to lead to a dictatorship.

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  • Author Karl Popper
  • Quote

    Every genuine test of a theory is an attempt to falsify it, or to refute it. Testability is falsifiability; but there are degrees of testabilty: some theories are more testable, more exposed to refutation, than others; they take, as it were, greater risks.

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