18 Quotes by Katherine Locke

  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    I haven't felt the warmth of stage lights in years, not like I did when I danced. Kissing Aly's like a thousand stage lights hitting me all at once. Heat strikes at every point of contact. Blood rushes south and definitely not to my feet. Foot. Present tense, present time, after everything. She's always kissed with a ferocity she normally reserves for dance. Her mouth opens a little and it's pure instinct that my tongue sweeps into that space, glides against her tongue.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    That’s so rare. Wanting to feel safe doesn’t mean I’m weak or can’t take care of myself.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    History and time are impossible knots. We’ll never understand every moment that makes the next moment more likely.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
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    She was on the other side of the fence. Simple borders and demarcations made such a difference in someone’s future, hopes, and dreams, and the promises they could make. How pointless the world could be.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    And thank you, reader, for picking up this book. For following Ellie into this world. For feeling so deeply like Benno. For fighting alongside Kai. For believing in the goodness of people like Mitzi. Be brave. Be a sponge. And remember, you too are making history each day. Let’s make a history that lifts up all people, erases no one, and leaves behind nothing but hateful ideology.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    The Holocaust happened not because of one person, but because of many people believing in an ideology promoted by a charismatic man at the right time and place, and millions of people colluding. History is not singular. Events do not happen in a vacuum.

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  • Author Katherine Locke
  • Quote

    Most of the things we think are selfish aren’t at all. We’re just so conditioned to think that wanting things is wrong.

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