19 Quotes by Kathy Hepinstall

  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    The world was cruel and sudden. This he knew for sure. Relax for a moment, breathe in the scent of a rose, rest in the shade, pet a dog, take a sip of lemonade, fall in love with a dreamy-eyed girl or a haunted faced man, and you are just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Buzzing around the lemonade, you'll find flies. Follow the flies and you'll find death.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    Easy for you to say," Polly said. "You've lived here all your life and stayed under the radar. No one points at you.""Sometimes small children point at my butt," Aunt Rhea said. "But that's just on account of all the fried chicken.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    I see the way you look at him, and he looks at you. Don't question love, Iris. It may have come to you in an inconvenient form, one that society finds scandalous, but it's a gift from God. A reminder that this institution can't interfere with natural processes, like laughter, prayer, a dream that comes to you in sleep. Or love. Do with it what you want, but know it means God still sees you not as a lunatic but as His child.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    It’s not my fault that the gray of everyone else’s stories makes the color stand out.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    Grief, he thought, would have an ending, but it was a black cat that ran across life, through good conversations and orange firelight and endless drills. It sat on his shoulders and made his knees creek when he stood up. It balanced in the crook of his arm as he cleaned his rifle. And he could not banish it; it was loyal as a dog.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    Our high school suffered a huge loss of life. But as awful as the tsunami was, good things actually came of it. We learned that out there on the ocean, there’s no such thing as popular kids and unpopular kids. We were all equal and all valuable.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    I wanted someone above me in the chain of life. I didn’t want to be alone, a single blue egg in a crumbling nest.

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  • Author Kathy Hepinstall
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    The soul is nothing but the innards of the finest watch, ruined before the watchmaker’s hands even touch it, by its exposure to air.

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