64 Quotes by Keigo Higashino

  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    Pada era manapun, keberadaan ilmuan selalu dianggap mencurigakan oleh orang lain.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    Do you know what accounts for most research delays? Interruptions that have nothing to do with the research whatsoever.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    I hear you. Still, I can’t imagine it’s all that pleasant having a murder suspect in the neighborhood.” “It wasn’t me she murdered, so I don’t see how it’s any of my business.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    If there’s something you’re not going to be able to do, you should just be honest and admit it.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
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    If they could redirect the energy they’d spent on trying to find fault with the other side and put it toward finding a new direction that worked for everyone, they could all benefit.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    The Imperial University library was a substantial three-story building. When Kusanagi was a student, he had only visited it two or three times at most. He guessed that additions had been built since he’d left, but he couldn’t exactly remember what the place had looked like before. The entire edifice could have been rebuilt and he wouldn’t have known the difference.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    Be a fighter. Give it everything you’ve got. Even a losing battle is worth fighting. Go out and make your mark.

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  • Author Keigo Higashino
  • Quote

    It didn’t bother me. It excited my curiosity. And I believe there is no greater sin than to leave one’s curiosity unsatisfied.

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