34 Quotes by Keith Andrews

  • Author Keith Andrews
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    This is excellent news. We are looking forward to building on our strong relationship with the union and working together for the future.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    There's a reason why they're 5-0. For the first three quarters they came out and executed, and that's what we wanted to do.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    It was a team effort tonight. That was the neat thing. It's great with three weeks left in the season to be peaking if we are. It is nice to have this time of year. That's what you shoot for. Emotionally, this helps us get there.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    I told our girls that we want to hit the boards and immediately go inside. I think we had eight or nine rebounds right away early. Come out with a little more aggression. That's what we got to do. We want to be the aggressor. We can't sit back and wait. That's what we've got to do Saturday too, come out and go after it and play hard from the beginning.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    I told the girls what we don't want to happen is that it's a one-point game or a close game and we've got to fight for everything that way. We want to set the tone from the beginning and get motivated and we were so that was good.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    That's 17 to 18 points, 10 rebounds we're losing right away. That's the $64,000 question. You just hope that some of the younger kids watched her and draw something from it.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    The best thing was, with all that going on, Rachel had a great first half. She picked us up there and she did things on the board. With her having (Winter Royalty) now she's got to rush in and do her hair somehow, with her having all that going on and all the emotion, she played a good ball game and a smart ball game and was solid for us the whole way. Kudos to her because she was solid that way, she's our queen.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    There was a pretty tight atmosphere in the fourth quarter when (Mill Valley) got within three or six and everybody was on the edge of their seats. We tightened up a little bit and we just have to relax and make those. I think the biggest thing for the girls is relax. Just relax and enjoy it, whatever happens Saturday, happens. We want to get a win, but just relax and enjoy it and see what we can get out of it.

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  • Author Keith Andrews
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    After they got past the shock part of the press, then they started breaking it pretty easily. So we had to get out of that for a while. It was as good a start was we wanted for the first five minutes. Then we gave up a foul here and a foul there and put them to the free throw line. The Stinson girl is tough, she was hitting free throws. All of them are.

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