124 Quotes by Ken Ham

  • Author Ken Ham
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    Kinds are like the dog sort (including dingoes, wolves, coyotes, domestic dogs, etc.), cat sort (including lions, tigers, cougars, bobcats, domestic cats, etc.), horse sort (ponies, Clydesdales, donkeys, zebras, etc.), and so on. There is variation within these kinds especially since the Flood, but not evolution where one kind changes into a totally different kind over long periods of time — which is not observed anyway (e.g., amoebas turning into dogs).

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    Those that entered the ark in pairs were for the purpose of repopulating their kind after the Flood. This is why the female is paired with it. But the sacrificial clean animals were obviously not required to go in pairs as they had no mates and their function was not to keep their kinds alive after the Flood (Genesis 7:36). Sacrifice costs the sacrificer something. If not, it really isn’t a sacrifice. King David later recognized this (2 Samuel 24:24

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    Until the 1800s, most people from the Middle East to the Western World believed what the Bible records about creation and the global Flood. The secular idea of millions of years did not gain extensive popularity until the 1830s, under the influence of a man named Charles Lyell — who opposed a global Flood!

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    The first thing you will notice is that Simms’ ark is much closer to the biblical proportions that were given: 300 by 50 by 30 cubits (Genesis 6:15). Mr. Simms simply squares them off. I’m surprised many illustrators and researchers today have failed to attain this basic information, considering it is given in the Scriptures. Instead, they proceed

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    The primary source of water for the Flood was the springs of the great deep bursting forth (Genesis 7:1127). This water in turn likely provided some of the water in the “windows of heaven” in an indirect fashion. There is no need for an ocean of vapor above the atmosphere to provide for extreme amounts of water for the rain that fell during the Flood.

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    Any initial oceans before the Flood were likely much more shallow with a few deep areas. Keep in mind that about 95 percent of all fossils are from shallow marine organism — so this makes sense. Our current post-Flood oceanography has some areas that are shallow, but most is quite deep. Consider that oceans cover about 70 percent of the earth surface today. At one point the whole earth was covered with the Floodwater. It was very kind of the Lord to give us 30 percent of land surface back.

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  • Author Ken Ham
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    Creationists hold to an Ice Age that was triggered by the Flood. The Flood occurred about 2348 b.c., which is about 4,300 years ago.1 The secularists’ most recent ice age was supposedly about 10,000 years ago (by their dating system).

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