152 Quotes by Kenneth H. Blanchard

"It’s more important as a manager to be respected than to be popular."


"Learning is defined as a change in behavior. You haven’t learned a thing until you take action and use it."


"You have the power to help people become winners."


"Successful people do work hard, but they also think before they act. They are proactive, not just reactive. Most people mentally have a sign on their desk that reads, “Don’t just sit there – do something!” The best advice I ever received was to revise the sign to read, “Don’t just do something – sit there!"


"The most important habit is solitude, quiet time. People who enter their day by taking 45 minutes or an hour for themselves – meditation, prayer, inspirational reading, taking a walk – before they go for it in the real world do best."


"If becoming a high performing organization is the destination, leadership is the engine."


"Yes. However, remember – productivity is more than just the quantity of work done. It is also the quality."


"Don’t get a big head when you win or get too down in the dumps when you lose. Keep things in perspective. Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal."


"As a manager the important thing is not what happens when you are there, but what happens when you are not there."


"If you don’t toot your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon."
