269 Quotes by Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Quote

    That is what capitalism is – a version of feudalism in which capital replaces land, and business leaders replace kings. But the hierarchy remains. And so we still hand over our lives’ labor, under duress, to feed rulers who do no real work.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    He was not her therapist now but her lover, and if you couldn’t make your lover angry, then what kind of lover was he? She saw the awful bind that one was put in when one’s lover was also one’s therapist – how their objective eye and soothing voice could become the distancing device of a professional manner. A man doing his job – it was intolerable to be judged by such an eye, as if he were somehow above it all, and did not have any problems himself, any emotions that he could not control.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    If our government tries to back the banks instead of us, then we elect a different government. We pretend that democracy is real, and that will make it real. We elect a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. That was the whole idea in the first place. As they used to tell us in school. And it’s a good idea, if we could make it real. It might never have been real, up till now. But now’s the time. Now’s the time, people!

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    The outdoors is what you must pass through in order to get from your apartment into a taxicab. said Fran Lebowitz.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    A hundred times I have thought: New York is a catastrophe, and fifty times: it is a beautiful catastrophe. – Le.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    Country Future Index. It’s an alternative to the GNP measurement, taking into account debt, political stability, environmental health and the like. A useful cross-check on the GNP, and it helps tag countries that could use our help. We identify those, go to them and offer them a massive capital investment, plus political advice, security, whatever they need. In return we take custody of their bioinfrastructure.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    And, you know, you never really summon all of your strength until you know that there’s no way back, no way to go but onward.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    The intense desire to talk with someone, sharp as any pain; this was what people meant when they talked about love. Or rather; this was what Sax would acknowledge to be love. Just the super-heightened desire to share thoughts. That alone.

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