269 Quotes by Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    Righteous indignation is like some kind of drug or religious mania, addictive and stupidifying.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    Capital itself is simply the useful residue of the work of past laborers, and it could belong to everyone as well as to a few.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    She recalled hearing how after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, they had built prison camps faster than medical facilities. They had expected riots and so had put people of color in jail preemptively. But that was back in the twentieth century, in the dark ages, the age of fascisms both home and abroad. Since.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    Winning all those banquet debates had apparently caused Galileo to think that argument was how things were settled in the world. Unfortunately this is never how it happens.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
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    You’re not a conventional man.” “No!” He hooted. “I never claimed to be! Except before certain selection committees of course. A conventional man! Ah, ha ha ha ha ha! – the conventional men get Maya. That is their reward.” And he laughed like a wild man.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Quote

    Much of human language is said to be fundamentally metaphorical. This is not good news. Metaphor, according to Aristotle, is an intuitive perception of a similarity in dissimilar things.

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  • Author Kim Stanley Robinson
  • Quote

    Oh God,” Coyote said, and rolled onto his side, propping his head up on one hand. “It’s hard to remember something that long ago. It’s almost like an epic poem I memorized once, and can barely recite anymore.

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