151 Quotes by Kingsley Amis

"Christmas dinner was something of a success; it passed off, at any rate, without bloodshed."


"There are other things to a woman than taking her to bed."


"To be sure about nonsense he had to be able to classify it, assign it to a family tree of liberal nonsense, humanist-humanitarian nonsense, academic nonsense, Protestant nonsense, Freudian nonsense and so on."


"It's never pleasant to have one's unquestioning beliefs put in their historical context, as I know from experience, I can assure you."


"Everybody had been in their twenties then; well, round about thirty. Now, from round about seventy, all those years of maturity or the prime of life or whatever you called it looked like an interval between two bouts of vomiting."


"The real trouble with liars ... was that there could never be any guarantee against their occasionally telling the truth."


"Lyall felt he could not say which of two things was harder to put up with, the Abbot's conversational style, with its bland coherence and assumption of severely limited cogitative powers in the hearer, or his recurrent look of pleased surprise as each fresh piece of evidence of his wisdom or moral worth turned up, but between them they were likely to implant in certain minds a hardy seed of revolt."


"Consciousness was upon him before he could get out of the way."


"Like all people who try to exhaust a subject, he exhausted his listeners."


"I am always incorrigibly interested in the behaviour of the 'human animal', and look forward to perusing divers effusions of your lively pen."
