60 Quotes by Kirsten Beyer

"The gods made the world round so that we could never see too far into our own futuer."


"Knowledge does not come through force. it can not be taken, it can only be freely received."


"Knowledge does not come through force. It can not be taken, it can only be freely received"


"No one is truly lost when they remain in the hearts and minds of those wwho love them"


"He might be a genius, but that did not make him a leader"


"It's wrong for a state to turn its people into monsters, even to secure ourselves, bacause we draw the line at becoming what we behold"


"They did not need to be close friends to work together. But they need to trust each other"


"You will learn no more once you have decided you know"


"Staring into his dark eyes, she felt the doubts she had nurtured slipping away on a single breath. She reached out to him again, pulling him toward her. Their bodies met, two galaxies subject to the inexorable pull of the universe, both determined to remain connected, if only by a bridge of stars."


"I love you," Kathryn said simply."I like hearing you say that." Chakotay smiled."Good," Kathryn replied, resettling herself beside him, "because if we do this, we do it together."
