31 Quotes by L.M. Browning
- Author L.M. Browning
We can’t deny our journey. We can’t pretend we’re fine when we’re not. All we can do is own it – own our suffering.
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- Author L.M. Browning
Do not hold a lazy faith. Miracles are not spontaneous events we must wait for helplessly. Miracles are an achievement – a breakthrough accomplished by those who pushed themselves beyond what was thought possible while holding a belief in a better life. Get up off your knees, and roll up your sleeves.
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- Author L.M. Browning
Who are we without our addictions; without our media-induced hungers? So often the voices we hear echoing in our mind are not our own but that of our influencers. Isolation, while arguably going against human nature, is essential for mental and emotional health. Solitude is a detoxification of all that distorts our personality and misguides our path in life. It allows us to filter out the foreign opinions and hear our own voice – reach our authentic character – and practice fidelity to self.
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- Author L.M. Browning
There is no “letting go.” I would dare to take it further and say there is no healing from trauma. For nearly 25 years, I’ve waited to get over the traumas that have amassed across my life. The pursuit of this healing has felt a great deal like a search for God – for something elusive, divine, and that may or may not exist.
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