791 Quotes by Lady Gaga
- Author Lady Gaga
I’m encouraging you to know what you’re worth. And know that no matter who has more money in class, who has more stuff, who has a country house – nobody is worth more than anybody else.
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- Author Lady Gaga
I think that once you’ve had a few No. 1s in your career that you’ve kind of proven yourself and I don’t feel the need to prove anything anymore.
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- Author Lady Gaga
It’s sort of like my past is an unfinished painting, and as the artist of that painting, I must fill in all the ugly holes and make it beautiful again.
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- Author Lady Gaga
I would rather die than have my fans see me without a pair of heels on. And that’s show business.
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- Author Lady Gaga
I don’t view myself as outrageous – that’s not the intention. Its to be more and more original.
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- Author Lady Gaga
A record deal doesn’t make you an artist; you make yourself an artist.
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- Author Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don’t really know me at all.
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- Author Lady Gaga
It’s hard knowing who to trust with your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you don’t always know who to call. So I am very close to my family.
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- Author Lady Gaga
There are some people in this world that believe being gay is a choice. It’s not a choice, we’re born this way.
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