125 Quotes by Lamine Pearlheart

"As impactful as the sun when it comes as when it leaves." - On the value of those exceptional people we were privileged to meet and now have to say goodbye to"


"The fact that things never end well for the rest of the creatures in this world does not seem to bother the least those who think that there is a divine plan. - On the Divine Plan"


"Whenever you feel down, remember it is always daylight somewhere on this rock we call Earth. Whenever you are belittled by a human, remember that she or he does not represent the whole for the Earth is way bigger than any puny creature you may encounter."


"Fame in posterity is like wreaths or bouquets of flowers offered to a beautiful maid now that she is a skeleton. They are there to give credit to the flowers or the giver of them rather than to the dead maid. - On Posthumous Fame."


"They have a nostalgia for a world that never existed. - On Nationalists"


"Democracy is like money; it is fake and unreal, the more people believe in it, the more tangible it becomes until it is the main currency of the kingdom; a fake benevolent form of trade is what it is."


"In a dictatorship, every election is faked and everybody seems to know it except for the dictator. In a democracy it is the politicians that are rigged."


"A god that created me free and autonomous, yet, tells me how and what I should think. - On Religion and Free Will"


"ʺThey are all the same!ʺ Is the cruelestgallows humankind ever built. - On Stereotypes and SweepingStatements"
