125 Quotes by Lamine Pearlheart
"We are never disappointed with people we think little of, those who disappoint us are thus by definition of importance to us."
"The first trick the Devil performed on humanity was to create religion. The second one was to coerce/convince decent people to surrender to it, but his ultimate and masterful act was to convince them that he actually exists. - On the Devil."
"God does not need endorsement, yet isn’t that what all religions are about?" - On Religions"
"We choose people based on perceived outward good looks, but we reject them based on their confirmed inner ugliness. - On Relationships"
"A university cannot make an imbecile less of a fool, neither can it make a warped mind straight; it is supposed to be a laboratory for the inquisitive mind so that he or she can take advantage of its academic resources. - On Academic Learning"
"In a fight between our ideals and reality, the module of reality tends to win, but our ideals once reinforced and no longer surprised tend to kick reality’s derriere. - On Ideals and Reality"
"Does the act of incarceration work as deterrent against crime?""No act can be a deterrent as long as the need or desperation to offend is greater."
"If I could I would!" is the maxim of tyrants."
"ʺDonʹt trust anyone.ʺ Say people who mustknow themselves to be untrustworthy. - On Trusting"
"Trust is earned and never given, those who give it freely are fools. On the Value of Trust."