125 Quotes by Lamine Pearlheart

"Intelligence is like the solar output, it is not always constant, but continuous it can be. - On Intelligence"


"The afterlife? Why do you think that you deserve another life? Have you done a great job with this one?" - On the Afterlife"


"War is the biggest tax hike ever; if this isproperly understood many would stopwarring. - On War and Personal Finances"


"Crying in public is like bleeding in public, they are both sad and equally messy. - On the Need of Self-restraint"


"To know in order not to be disoriented,To be able to seize the sense of the event, To avoid a mental anarchy, and to act effectively. - On Being Prepared"


"Life is extraordinary, death is not, it is a cessation of life and as such ordinary; empty space is full of it." - On Life and Death"


"I am the rock that the sea in its fury attempts to rampage only to see come out polished I am the foundation of all that is solid and yet bearably light; I am a spark becoming light I am fluidity today hardened tomorrow, no I am not a volcano, I am a thought becoming reality"


"It is like a big pile of manure wherever you move it stinks; you can’t make everybody happy! You do what you can and hope for the best! " - On Politics"


"A static conformist mind is hardly a creative mind, now a radiating mind, that is something worth gazing into for this is where great ideas leap from. - On Not Being Challenged Enough"


"How can I have a critical mind if I don't dare question everything? If I question myself, what makes you and your truth any holier? - On the Right to Question Everything"
