102 Quotes by Larken Rose

"But history shows that most human beings would literally rather die than objectively reconsider the belief systems they were brought up in."


"The ability of people to resist tyranny depends largely upon whether they accept the myth of “authority” or not. Those who can see the injustice committed by “government,” but who continue to believe that they must “follow the law” and “work within the system,” will never achieve justice."


"For something to be “government,” it must, by definition, do something that average people do not have the right to do. A “government” with the same rights as everyone else is not a “government” any more than the average man on the street is “government."


"If you call it ‘taxation’ and ‘war,’ it stops being a sin, right? After all, it was only your god that said you shouldn’t steal and murder, but the state said it was okay. It’s pretty obvious which one outranks the other in your minds. Despite all the churches, synagogues, and mosques we see around us, this nation has one god, and only one god, and that god is called ‘government’."


"Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting – or even demanding – their own enslavement."


"Frederick Douglass, a former slave, witnessed and described that exact phenomenon among his fellow slaves, many of whom were proud of how hard they worked for their masters and how faithfully they did as they were told. From their perspective, a runaway slave was a shameful thief, having “stolen” himself from the master."


"But in practice, “left” and “right” politicians all engage in wealth redistribution, war-mongering, centralized control of commerce, and numerous coercive restrictions upon the behavior of their subjects. As “rightwing” and “leftwing” states approach complete power, they become utterly indistinguishable from each other."


"In short, if the victims of authoritarian extortion, harassment, surveillance, assault, kidnapping, and murder simply stopped assisting in their own oppression, tyranny would crumble. And if the people went a step further and forcibly resisted, tyranny would collapse even more quickly."


"The men who wear black dresses and wield wooden hammers and refer to themselves as “the court” are seen as the madmen they are. Those who wear badges and uniforms, and imagine themselves to be something other than mere human beings, are not seen by the deprogrammed as noble warriors for “law and order” but as confused souls suffering from what is little more than a mental disorder."


"The truth is that any form of authoritarian control – any type of “government,” whether constitutional, democratic, socialist, fascist, or anything else – will result in a set of masters forcibly oppressing a group of slaves. That is what “authority” is – all it ever has been, and all it ever could be, no matter how many layers of euphemisms and pleasant rhetoric are used in an attempt to hide it."
