102 Quotes by Larken Rose

"The only thing that “law” and “government” are needed for is to attempt to legitimize immoral force. And that is exactly what “government” adds, and the only thing it adds, to society: more inherently unjust violence. No one who understands this simple truth would ever claim that “government” is essential to human civilization."


"Ironically, atheists are often quick to point out the destruction that has been committed throughout history in the name of religion, but fail to notice the gruesome results of the god they bow to: “government."


"Regardless of almost any other factors, the belief in authority turns good people into agents of evil."


"You evade your responsibility as human beings by hallucinating a false god that relieves you of the duty to think for yourselves. You don’t want to be free, because being merely obedient requires so much less thought."


"Anyone who actually believes in the principle of non-aggression – the underlying premise of libertarianism – must be an anarchist, as it is logically impossible to oppose the initiation of violence while supporting any form of “government,” which is nothing but violence."


"In short, despite all of the complex rituals and convoluted rationalizations, all modern belief in “government” rests on the notion that mere mortals can, through certain political procedures, bestow upon some people various rights which none of the people possessed to begin with."


"Perhaps the most valuable thing the “Great American Experiment” accomplished was to demonstrate that “limited government” is impossible. There cannot be a master who answers to his slaves."


"The main factor distinguishing the belief in “government” from other religions today is that people actually believe in the god called “government."


"Every person who claims to act on behalf of “authority” is demonstrating that he has accepted an utterly ridiculous lie: that his position, his badge, his office dramatically changes what behaviors are moral and what behaviors are immoral. The idea is patently insane, but is rarely recognized as such because even the victims of the enforcers share in this delusion."


"Ultimately, it is the belief in “authority” among the victims of oppression, even more than the beliefs of the ruling class and their enforcers, which allows tyranny, and man’s inhumanity to man, to continue on such a large scale."
