229 Quotes by Laura Ingalls Wilder

  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    For just one little minute she almost wished that Pa was a railroad man. There was nothing so wonderful as railroads, and railroad men were great men, able to drive the big iron engines and the fast, dangerous trains. But of course not even railroad men were bigger or better than Pa, and she did not really want him to be anything but what he was.

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    If enough people think of a thing and work hard enough at it, I guess it’s pretty nearly bound to happen, wind and weather permitting.

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    Haste makes waste, but a lazy man’d rather get his work done fast than do it himself... all it saves is time, son. And what good is time, with nothing to do? You want to sit and twiddle your thumbs, all these stormy winter days?

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    We must get rid of the habit of classing all women together politically and thinking of the ‘woman’s vote’ as one and indivisible.

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    Ma wrote them down with her little red pen that had a mother-of-pearl handle shaped like a feather. When her neat, clear writing filled the paper she turned it and filled it again crosswise. On the other side of the paper she did the same thing so that every inch of paper held all the words that it possibly could.

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    Money hasn’t any value of its own; it represents the stored up energy of men and women and is really just someone’s promise to pay a certain amount of that energy.

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  • Author Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Quote

    Flags were everywhere, and in the Square the band was playing “Yankee Doodle.” The fifes tooted and the flutes shrilled and the drums came in with rub-a-dub-dub. Yankee Doodle went to town, Riding on a pony, He stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni!

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