88 Quotes by Laura Kaye

  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Shuffled footsteps caught her attention. "Hey," Owen said. She took in the sight of him, dressed in a new borrowed outfit - a long sleeved navy T-shirt and a pair of khakis that had been too long for John. The shirt highlighted the difference in his eyes.Well, okay, there was the reason she hadn't been thinking about the real world.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Sans clothing, Owen climbed over her and settled into the middle of the mattress. Like he was a magnet - or her North Star - Megan's body turned to press into the nook along the side of his tall frame. His bareness managed to be soft and hard at the same time - the skin soft and smooth, the muscles hard and ridged. She inhaled deeply, taking his crisp, clean scent into her, and let out a long exhale that relaxed her into him further. Now. Now she could be content to never move again.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Does this have anything to do with Charlie walk-of-shaming it outta your room this morning at oh--dark-hundred?

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Wearing only his boxers, Marz sat on the edge of the bed and removed his limb. And then he shifted under the covers with her. "Now," he said, "Does hiding under the covers involve covering the head, too?" Or just the body?Such a sweet, cute mane. "Just the body. Covering the head makes it a fort."His eyes went wide. "Is that so? Duly noted.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    ...Nick gave a sharp nod. "Fair point". Rising, he stepped toward the desk and stole a chip off Marz's plate."Dude," Marz said, holding out his hands, "get your own crunchy goodness.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    her last stop in the produce section was as the asparagus, which she planned to marinate and grill. She felt eyes on her, and did a double take at Derek holding possibly the world's largest zucchini in his hands with a totally amused grin on his face. He waggled his brows.Emilie couldn't help but give in to the urge to laugh. "Okay," she said. "I'm all done here.""Oh, good," Derek said. "Let's go see what fun we can have with the meat.

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  • Author Laura Kaye
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    Shane elbowed Beckett as they started to cross toward the door. "It's not a prosthetic limb, it's a hollow leg.""You know," Marz said, "that would actually be freaking cool. It could be refrigerated, and you could keep drinks and snacks in it."Beckett just started at him."When I'm a kabillionaire, off my refrigerated prosthetic hollow leg, son't ask to borrow a drink. That's all I'm saying.

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