322 Quotes by Lauren Kate
"Lilith blinked, making out what looked like a dark cave at sunset, the sky fiery with streaks of red and orange."
"Wisdom holds a candle to experience, but you've got to take the candle and walk alone."
"-Oamenii care intarzie de obicei nu inteleg niciodata nenumaratele moduri in care dau peste cap programul celor punctuali si normali, ii spuse Penn in timp ce tranversau o portiune mai alunecoasa a peluzei."
"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.“Abandon all hope, ye who enter,” Ander translated."
"this lifeless paper, cruel imposter, was the only to take her with him"
"Sometimes when you try not to repeat your mistakes, you forget that the original mistakes are still unfolding"
"I wouldn’t know what to do if I weren’t next to you. That’s who I am.”“You can’t rely on someone else to define you. Especially not me."