69 Quotes by Leah Remini

"I'm blessed to have a voice, and I'm going to use it."


"In my house, it's family first - but I was spending most of my time at the church. So, I was saying 'family first,' but I wasn't showing that. I didn't like the message that sent my daughter."


"When it mattered the most, my mother was there for me. It was the moment that erased all those days she wasn't there."


"I've really come to realize you have to love yourself before you can expect someone else to."


"You have to learn to believe you deserve love. And I'm getting there. I'm starting to believe it."


"I don't want to be known as this bitter, ex-Scientologist. I'm not trying to bash anybody, and I'm not trying to be controversial. I just want people to know the truth."


"Oddly, moving to L.A. had nothing to do with me wanting to be an actress. My mother had a friend who was willing to take us in for a month until we could get on our feet. So we lived on her floor. It was pretty traumatic, but I found my strength through my mother in that time because she never once made us feel like we wouldn't be OK."


"I envision Hollywood as a race, and some people simply drop off before their turn comes around. It's all about stamina - your ability to get back up and keep going even though everything is pointing at the odds not being in your favor."


"As a kid, I remember wondering why we lived in an apartment, not in a brownstone, and why we drove an LTD, not a Cadillac. Even now, I'm like that. If I'm on the 5th floor, I will wonder why I'm not on the 6th floor. But that was my drive. I was obsessed with my family having a better life."


"What Scientology offers is a bigger game. You're part of an elite group saving the planet."
