261 Quotes by Leonard Ravenhill

  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    When the hammer of logic and the fire of human zeal fail to open the stony heart, unction will succeed.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    This much is sure in all churches, forgetting party labels; the smallest meeting numerically is the prayer-meeting. If weak in prayer we are weak everywhere.

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
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    Today God is bypassing men – not because they are too ignorant, but because they are too self-sufficient. Brethren, our abilities are our handicaps, and our talents our stumbling blocks!

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Would we send our daughters off to have sex if it would benefit our country? Yet, we send our sons off to kill when we think it would benefit our country!

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    The evangelists today are very often prepared to be anything to anybody as long as they can get somebody to the altar for something. They glibly call out: ‘‘Who wants help? Who wants more power? Who wants a closer walk with God?’’ Such a sinning, repenting ‘‘easy believeism’’ dishonors the blood and prostitutes the altar. We must alter the altar, for the altar is a place to die on. Let those who will not pay this price leave it alone!

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  • Author Leonard Ravenhill
  • Quote

    Where there is no passion, the church perishes, even though it be full to the doors.

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